THE FUTURE of the X1 service hangs by a thread and First Bus’s approach may be based on incorrect numbers – according to Liberal Democrat councillor Mark McGeever.
Passengers contacted Mark to express concern some people with entitlement cards are waved onto the bus and told the machine to record their journey is not working.
Following last year’s reprieve, First Glasgow recently claimed measures to increase passenger numbers are failing. The operator implied they could soon cancel it.
Mark called on First bosses to talk with him face-to-face and try to resolve any issues they have. They agreed to the meeting, in which Mark will raise passengers’ concerns and argue the vital X1 must be saved.
He said: “The X1 must not be scrapped. It is a key transport link for our communities.
“I contacted First Bus to challenge their passenger figures. If the reports are correct, they would have an unduly negative view of the route’s viability.
“If it is running at a loss First need to consider other options.
“Passengers have said they could accept fewer buses at quieter times if it saved the X1.”